
Long Form Document Writer

Structure and then write long form content using GPT-4

Interactive demo available on desktop
Interactive demo available on desktop

Long Form Document Writer

Structure and then write long form content using GPT-4

“We have delivered powerful assistive tools to our students to help them research, plan and structure their books with AirOps. They’ve never been happier.”

Chris Meier

Director of Data at Bambee
Interactive demo available on desktop
Interactive demo available on desktop

Write long form documents with GPT-4

Writing a long form document is challenging with large language models. This template provides a starting point for solving this AirOps. Pass in an article title, structure, tone and output format and this workflow will take the LLM through a series of prompts that generate a high quality finished product

Just the start

AirOps is a flexible LLM workflow builder, allowing you to take this example further. You can add Google Search / Web Scraping, add your own documents and data to enrich the generation and be much more specific about output structure.

Potential Applications

This template isn't confined to just basic documents. Content agencies can harness it to produce consistent and tailored write-ups for their clientele, educators can generate course materials or lecture notes with ease, while businesses can craft internal documents, reports, or even marketing materials swiftly. Whether you're penning a research synopsis, curating a company newsletter, or drafting a product overview, this template provides a fantastic starting point.

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Gallery. Some relevant and popular templates.

Chat Bots

Trained on your data and docs.


Save hours with AI workflows.

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Chat Agents

Powerful chat bots with tools.

Assistive AI

Delight your users with 🪄

Batch Workflows

Run AI at scale.

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Create AI tools that can perform classification, text generation, summarization and entity extraction.

"Issues": [
	"Issue": "Poor battery life",
    "Status": "Unresolved",
    "Product": "UltraTech Smartphone X",
    "Issue_ID": "1",
    "Priority": "High",
    "Sentiment": "Negative"
  	"Issue": "Sync problem",
    "Status": "Unresolved",
    "Product": "Wireless Earbuds",
    "Issue_ID": "2",
    "Priority": "Medium",
    "Sentiment": "Negative"
    	"Name": "Ilya S.",
      "Email": "",
      "Sentiment": "Negative",
    "Temperament": "Frustrated",
    "Preferred_Contact": "Email"
"Resolved_Issues": [],