If you run out of tasks, you can keep using AirOps but you will be charged for incremental usage beyond your initial allotment. For Pro plan users, additional tasks cost $9 per 1000 tasks. For Team plan users, tasks cost $6 per 1000 tasks. Your tasks will automatically reset to your plan's monthly allotted amount at the beginning of the next calendar month.
You will only be charged tasks for steps within your app that run successfully. Steps that error out will not be charged, but if you have other apps embedded in your app that incur tasks, you will be charged for those.
AirOps 7-day Free Trial gives you access to all Pro plan features, including access to GPT-4, Claude and other models, for a 10 day period. No need to provide payment details until the end of the trial. Your trial will end when you either 1.) Run out of tasks allotted in the trial 2.) the 10-day period elapses, or 3.) you elect to end the trial early and upgrade.
All you have to do is sign up and you are automatically enrolled in the Free Trial.
After the Free Trial ends, you will be prompted to enter your payment details and you can select which plan works best (Pro or Team) and will be charged the monthly fee at that time.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time during the Free Trial period without incurring any charges. Simply log in to your AirOps account and navigate Settings>Billing>Manage Plan and follow the instructions to cancel your subscription.
The Free Trial gives you access to all the features included in the Pro plan, access to all pre-built AirOps Studio templates, and the ability to build your own Apps and Integrations.
Yes! you can upgrade your plan at any time during the Free Trial period. If you upgrade your plan, you will be charged the new monthly fee, and your task limit will be adjusted accordingly.
If you run out of tasks during the Free Trial, you will no longer be able to use AirOps Apps until you provide your payment details. At that point you can continue using AirOps and will be charged for any incremental task usage. For Pro plan users, additional tasks cost $9 per 1000 tasks. For Team plan users, tasks cost $6 per 1000 tasks.
You can track your task usage through the AirOps Web App. From app.airops.com follow the navigation path Settings>Billing and you will see the tasks you’ve used so far in the monthly billing period and when your tasks will reset. You can also upgrade your plan to add more tasks from this page.
No, AirOps does not offer refunds for unused tasks. Tasks are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Yes! All of our paid plans include the ability to bring your own API keys for LLM model providers.
Projects start at $200/hr with a minimum of a 5 hour commitment.
Team and Enterprise plans have access to priority support, which provides faster, prioritized responses from our support team. Whether you are just getting started or looking to implement advanced logic into your app or need help running at scale - we are standing by to assist!
For Team plan users, additional tasks cost $6 per 1000 tasks. For Pro Plan users, additional tasks cost $9 per 1000 tasks. If you want to run an app at high volume, we offer volume discounts. Chat with our team to learn more!
If you exceed your allotted monthly task usage, you can continue to use AirOps and be charged on a pay-as-you-go basis for additional tasks. Your account will be charged whenever you reach an increment of $150 worth of tasks used or at the end of the current calendar month, whichever happens sooner.
We are building functionality to let you test task usage. For now - refer to the below task usage parameters:
- Text input step - no task usage incurred
- Code step - maximum 1 task per app run
- Vector DB call - 1 task per call
- LLM step with your own API key - 1 task per call
- LLM step with an AirOps hosted model - tasks proportional to usage
- Other API step - 1 task per call
- Output step - no task usage incurred
You will only be charged tasks for steps within your app that run successfully. Steps that error out will not be charged, but if you have other apps embedded in your app that incur tasks, you will be charged for those.
A task is counted every time an AirOps app successfully completes an action. See a full breakdown of task usage below:
- Text input step - no task usage incurred
- Code step - maximum 1 task per app run
- Vector DB call - 1 task per call
- LLM step with your own API key - 1 task per call
- LLM step with an AirOps hosted model - tasks proportional to usage
- Other API step - 1 task per call
- Output step - no task usage incurred
We want to make it easy to try different models and AI services like transcription. If you are using our models, you will be charged tasks proportional to your use of the underlying service. Here is our current pricing per hosted service.