Creating a Dynamic Map with Multiple Locations in Webflow CMS

Creating dynamic maps that show multiple locations in your Webflow CMS can be a challenging task, especially when you want more than just a static representation of a single location. Whether you’re building a site for a business with multiple branches or a travel blog showcasing various destinations, a dynamic map is an effective way to visually present location-based data. But how can you do this in Webflow? Let's dive into how you can create a dynamic map with multiple locations in your Webflow CMS.

Understanding The Challenge

While Webflow provides a built-in map feature, it only allows you to display a single location on a map. This becomes limiting when you need to display multiple locations on the map, such as for a store locator or a travel blog. In the Webflow CMS, you might have these locations stored as collection items, each with their own set of data. Displaying all these on a single map requires a solution that can dynamically pull this data and represent it on the map.

The Solution: Leveraging Third-Party Libraries

A solution to this problem is to leverage third-party libraries such as Leaflet, OpenStreetMap, or even Google My Maps. These libraries allow you to create dynamic maps with multiple markers, each representing a location from your CMS data. Let's take a look at how you can implement this.

Step 1: Setting Up the CMS Collection

First, ensure that your CMS collection, which contains the location data, is properly set up. Each item in the collection should have a field for the location coordinates (latitude and longitude). If you're using address data, you may need to convert these into coordinates using a geocoding service like Google's Geocoding API.

Step 2: Adding the Map Library

Next, add the map library to your project. This typically involves adding a script tag in your site's Custom Code settings. For example, if you're using Leaflet, you would add the following in your "Before tag" section:

<script src=""></script>

Note that the version number (@1.7.1) may vary depending on the latest version of the library.

Step 3: Creating the Map

With the library added, you can now create the map on your page. This involves adding a 'div' element where the map will be displayed, and then initializing the map in your custom code. Here's an example using Leaflet:

<div id="mapid" style="height: 400px;"></div>

var mymap ='mapid').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 19,

In the script above, the 'setView' function sets the initial position and zoom level of the map. The 'tileLayer' function specifies the map tiles to use, in this case, OpenStreetMap tiles.

Step 4: Adding the Locations

The final step is to add the locations from your CMS data to the map. You can do this by going through each item in the CMS collection and adding a marker to the map for each one. In Webflow, you can use the "Embed" component to include a script that does this. The script would look something like this:

var locations = [ /* Your CMS data here */ ];
for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
L.marker([locations[i].lat, locations[i].lng]).addTo(mymap);

In the script above, replace '/* Your CMS data here */' with the actual data from your CMS. This would be in the format of an array of objects, each with 'lat' and 'lng' properties representing the latitude and longitude of each location.

Moving Forward

And there you have it! With these steps, you should be able to create a dynamic map with multiple locations in your Webflow CMS. Keep in mind that this is just a basic guide, and there's plenty more you can do with these libraries, such as clustering markers, adding custom marker icons, or even adding interaction such as pop-ups. So don't hesitate to explore more and make the map truly your own!

Pro Tip: Harness the Power of Custom Code with JQuery and AJAX

Once you're comfortable creating dynamic maps with multiple locations, consider taking your Webflow project to the next level by harnessing the power of JQuery and AJAX. These powerful tools can allow you to dynamically load your map data from your CMS collection without needing to manually update the script each time you add a new location.

With AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), you can send a request to Webflow's API to retrieve your CMS data in JSON format. You can then parse this data and use it to create markers on your map just like before. The key difference is that this happens automatically each time the page loads, ensuring your map is always up to date.

Here's a simple example of how you could implement this:

<script src=""></script>
url: '{collection_id}/items',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {api_key}' },
success: function(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
L.marker([data.items[i].latitude, data.items[i].longitude]).addTo(mymap);

In the script above, replace '{collection_id}' with the ID of your CMS collection and '{api_key}' with your Webflow API key. 'latitude' and 'longitude' should be replaced with the field names you used in your CMS collection for the location coordinates.

Note that this is a more advanced technique, and you should be comfortable with JavaScript, JQuery, and AJAX before attempting it. However, once you've mastered it, you'll find it opens up a world of possibilities for dynamic content in your Webflow projects.

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