Disabling Webflow CMS Feature: A Pre-Purchase Guide

It's not uncommon for Webflow users to initially enable the CMS feature and then decide they don't need it. Perhaps you have a one-page portfolio site, and you've realized that the CMS feature is just not necessary for your needs. Or maybe when you hit “Upgrade to add a Custom Domain”, you notice it requires you to purchase CMS Hosting instead of basic. The question then is, how do you disable the CMS feature before you make a purchase? Well, you're in the right place. This guide will walk you through the steps to disable CMS in Webflow before you purchase a plan.

The Problem

Webflow's CMS feature is powerful. It's perfect for when you need to manage and update dynamic content on your site. But not everyone needs this feature. It might be overkill for simpler sites, like a one-page portfolio. The problem arises when you've activated CMS and want to revert back to the basic plan. Your site now requires CMS Hosting, which is more expensive than the basic hosting. The challenge is figuring out how to disable the CMS.

The Solution

Disabling the CMS feature in Webflow can be done by removing all the CMS collections from your site. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Step 1: Identify CMS Content

First, you need to identify if your site is using any CMS content. If you built your site from scratch, you might have added CMS content yourself. If you used a template, it might have come with CMS content. Look for any collections in your site.

Step 2: Delete All CMS Collections

The next step is to delete all these collections. Navigate to the collections tab on your site settings page and delete all the collections. Remember, this action is not reversible, so make sure you really want to delete these collections. Any content stored in these collections will be lost.

Step 3: Check Your Site Plan

After you've deleted all collections, go back to the site plan page and verify that your site no longer requires CMS Hosting. You should be able to upgrade to add a custom domain with the basic plan.

Step 4: Proceed With Your Purchase

Now that you've disabled the CMS feature, you can proceed with your purchase. Remember, if you decide you need the CMS feature in the future, you can always upgrade your plan then.

Disabling the CMS feature in Webflow might seem complicated at first, but it's actually quite straightforward. Just remember to back up any data you might need from your collections before you delete them. And as always, make sure that the plan you choose fits the needs of your site.

For additional help and resources, check out the Webflow University and the Webflow Forum. Happy designing!

Pro Tip: Leverage Your Backups

One of the most underutilized features of Webflow is its backup system. You may not know this, but every time you make significant changes to your site, Webflow automatically creates a backup. This can be a lifesaver when you're making big changes like disabling the CMS feature.

Before you start deleting your CMS collections, navigate to your project settings, and under the 'Backups' tab, create a manual backup. Give it a descriptive name, like 'Pre-CMS disable'. This way, if you accidentally delete something you didn't mean to or find that you need the CMS feature again, you can easily restore your site to its pre-CMS-disable state.

Remember, Webflow keeps up to 100 versions of your site. So, don't worry about overusing this feature. It's there to help you make changes with confidence, knowing you always have a safety net to fall back on.

For more details on how to use the backup feature, check out this Webflow University guide on backups.

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