Efficient Ways to Embed Code in Webflow Collections

Embedding code in Webflow Collections can be a bit tricky, especially when you're dealing with a large number of individual pages. If you're looking to expand your website's coverage, you might have hit a wall with the 100 static page limit on Webflow. Thankfully, there are efficient ways to embed code in Webflow Collections that can help you overcome this hurdle.

The Problem: 100 Static Page Limit

Like many Webflow users, you might be looking to recreate your existing website in Webflow, expanding your coverage to include hundreds of individual pages. However, Webflow has a 100 static page limit, which can hinder your progress.

For instance, if you run a real estate business and you're using individual pages to embed property listing data for specific communities, you may find yourself quickly reaching that limit as you add more and more communities to your website. So what's the solution?

Webflow CMS to the Rescue

Webflow CMS could be your saving grace in this scenario. The individual Collection Pages produced within Webflow CMS do not count towards the 100 page limit. This means you can create hundreds of unique pages without worrying about hitting a cap.

How to Embed Code in Your Collection

One common issue you might face is not seeing any Property Listings displaying on your Collection Pages. This might be due to the fact that you're trying to load a jQuery dependent script before jQuery is loaded. However, there are workarounds for this.

Workaround 1: Using a Rich Text Field

The easiest method is to create a rich text field to embed the script into. Here's how you do it:

  • Add a Rich Text field in your CMS Collection template page.
  • Update your CMS Collection List to include a Rich Text field.
  • Paste your script into this Rich Text field in each of your Collection List records.
  • Tell your Rich Text field on the template page to pull in the data (the script) from the Rich Text field in the Collection List.

This might seem a bit strange, but it works. Your script will display on the page, rather than just the text of the script itself.

Workaround 2: Using a Script to Decode the Encoded Text

Another option is to use a script to decode the encoded text from the embed. This is a bit more complex, but can be an effective solution. You can find more information on how to do this in this blog post.

Embedding Code in a Simple Way

If your script structure is always the same, you can just store the src variable in a field (text), add an embed to the collection template, then insert and bind the value of the script src into a script block. So the embed would look like this:<script src="{field}"></script>

This is a good solution when your embed is simple. For more complex embeds, it's better to use Workaround 1.

With these methods, you should be able to efficiently embed code in Webflow Collections, expanding your website's coverage without hitting the static page limit.

Pro Tip: Leverage the Power of Multi-Reference Fields

Did you know that you can actually use multi-reference fields to create dynamic lists in your collections? This advanced functionality is hidden in the settings panel of Webflow CMS and is a bit of a secret weapon for managing complex websites. It allows you to link multiple collections together, which can dramatically increase your website's functionality and interactivity.

For instance, if you're managing a blog, you can use multi-reference fields to link authors to their respective posts. You can even categorize your posts and display them dynamically based on their assigned categories. This would be a game changer for a real estate website where you're handling listings for numerous properties, each with a unique set of characteristics.

To utilize this feature, simply create a new field in your collection settings and select 'multi-reference' as the field type. From there, you can link to another collection and start building dynamic lists. Remember, this feature is only available on Webflow's CMS and Business hosting plans, so make sure you're on the right plan before you start.

So, next time you're looking to level up your Webflow site, remember this tip and start utilizing the power of multi-reference fields!

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